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Placer Sentinel

Placer County Seeks Community Input on Wildfire Mitigation Strategies at Upcoming Forums

Mar 06, 2024 01:37PM ● By Placer County News Release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - Placer County residents are invited to participate in a series of upcoming community forums focusing on mitigating wildfire risk to communities, improving water quality and protecting recreational opportunities and other critical assets.

The forums will focus on Land Tender, a digital platform facilitating community involvement in land management scenarios. Through Land Tender, residents can contribute their perspectives to shape the county's approach to managing forested areas and mitigating wildfire risks.

Hosted by the Placer County Regional Forest Health Division, these forums will provide residents with an opportunity to share what is most important to them regarding the protection of property, water systems, transit routes, recreation areas and more from the risk of severe wildfire.

Information collected from residents will help clarify priorities and speed up planning for preventative projects like thinning hazardous and overgrown timber, clearing fuels from roadsides and conducting prescribed burns.

"Resident input is crucial as we develop a comprehensive action plan for wildfire and forest health throughout the 75% of Placer County that is either forested or made up of communities adjacent to forest land," emphasizes Kerri Timmer, Placer County regional forest health coordinator. "These forums offer a constructive platform for community members to contribute their valuable insights, which will directly shape our county's strategy for managing our forests and mitigating wildfire risks."

Land Tender Community Forum Schedule:
*Community members are invited to attend any meeting location.

Foothill Community Forum
Date: Monday, March 18
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Location: Placer County Community Development Resource Agency Building
Planning Commission Hearing Room, 3091 County Center Drive, Auburn

Tahoe Community Forum
Date: Wednesday, March 27
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Location: North Tahoe Event Center
8318 N. Lake Blvd., Kings Beach

Virtual Session Community Forum
Date: Tuesday, April 2
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom (*Open to all participants from all zones) 
*Please note, the virtual session and in-person meetings will have the same

Summit - West Community Forum
Date: Monday, April 29
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Location: Veterans Memorial Hall
24601 Harrison St., Foresthill

The countywide initiative aims to complement existing and future neighborhood and community-level wildfire resilience plans, fostering a comprehensive approach to wildfire preparedness across the forested portions of Placer County.

For more information about the Land Tender Community Forums, visit the Placer County Regional Forest Health website,, or contact the Regional Forest Health Division at 530-889-7372 or [email protected].